Sunday, February 24, 2008


Legal Warfare:

Legal Warfare is a military program using the legal system itself to adversely change our American Constitutional form and system of laws and move it backwards toward a system of feudalism, corporatism, collectivism and self-appointed Royal family rule.

This program as run by Corporate America and the International Corporate elites as well and uses our own assets, and our own resources, and Government as all paid for by taxpayer dollars to attack the large majority of the population to protect the "privileged" few.

Legal Warfare is like any other warfare program, but is being run in and surrounding our own legal systems, State, Federal, Administrative, and Military Law programs. This Program stands in opposition to any and all "welfare programs" that are for the commons, or for the people, and are supposed to be for civil order, and civilian in nature and for peaceful purposes of dispute resolution and law and order.

Legal Warfare is a welfare program for the rich that uses the Legal or systems of law and order, including the Attorney General and Department of Justice as controlled by the Solicitor General, and even the Judge Advocate General Military Law Programs as a Praetorian guard of sorts.

Legal Warfare is an [unlawful] program using even Defense Department Assets and Resources and is being run out of the Pentagon and DoD [as the new Department of War], and Department of Justice, Homeland Security [new Department of Defense] and other Federal Agencies and Departments from behind the scenes to restructure our Constitutional Order. To create a "New World Order" where America, as the "New World" has a new Constitutional Order of things.

This program, or system, or system of programs, are being run NOT to protect the Constitution and rule of law, but instead to attack it, and attack us by doing so. Recent changes to definitions of "torture" and the application of the Geneva Conventions, proposed immunity for the Telecom companies, the concept of the "Unitary Executive", prosecution of alleged terrorists [mostly farmers abducted or turned in to steal property] in Guantanamo, prosecution of Cadets at the Coast Guard Academy under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and more are all part of this complex maze of Legal Warfare skirmishes that are attempting to change our Constitution.

Legal Warfare is being used by the Bush Administration in order to carry on an unseen Constitutional convention of sorts. Doing this in order to alter our Constitutional order forever and do so by an irregular and of course improper flanking maneuver.

The NEO-cons rather then carrying on an actual Constitutional Convention within Congress so as to establish a new Constitutional Order, it is doing so by preventing American Citizens from enforcing their existing Constitution and "preempt" the American people from the Courts.

Blocking Americans from access to their own Courts while simultaneously working to advance certain other types of lawsuits, and the creation of bad or adverse case precedence to change the hard fought progress that has been made in the past 200 years or so. The changes that have worked to extend the inalienable rights and protections that the Constitution promises to as many people as possible and do so in a fair and equitable and timely fashion.

To carry "de-regulation" beyond Environmental Laws, or Pollution Laws, or Labor Laws, or any other form of more "civil" legal protections for the environment or people in general, and dissolve and absolve all laws. To move beyond all regulation and oversight, to strip all laws, all amendments to the Constitution, the dissolve and destroy the Constitution itself and drive beyond it to the Declaration of Independence the most critical document and wipe it out as well.

This is about loss of sovereignty.

This is about supplanting the "Rule of Law" with the "Rule of Man."

This is about recreating a FEUDAL ORDER.

This is about destroying the system of "peculiar beliefs" that Americans hold so dear.

This is about seizing control of the Constitutional Order that took the Magna Carta and extended it from the Barron's, and Princes and Royal families down to the Common Citizen.

It uses taxpayers assets, resource and personnel to attack the rule of law, to defend corrupt Government Officials, to protect corrupt Agencies, Departments, Corporations, Unions and especially any and all individuals who may be involved in such corruptions.

The U.S. Attorney's Offices are deeply involved in this program as was being carried out under Ashcroft and Gonzalez, especially with direct involvement of several of the recently fired U.S. Attorneys from last year including individuals like Carol C. Lam and others.

One resultant that is evident from all of this is the growth and abuse of the belief in and program of developing "Sovereign Immunity." A to shield to pass Corporate corruptions like the recent Telecom scandal on warrant-less wiretapping that President Bush has attempted to transfer to the Federal Government so that then, and only then "Sovereign Immunity" could be claimed and no one held accountable for the unlawful and un-Constitutional activities. But one example.

There is of course more to this that will be laid out over time, but it is important to begin to understand just what is going on and how it is and will affect you and your family.

Legal Warfare - a program to encourage a second "Civil War."

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